How do I create a collection?

Setting up your first NFT collection

1. On, navigate to your Profile icon and select My Collections.

2. Click Create a collection to begin a new collection. Once you have multiple collections, you’ll be able to see them here as well.

3. Choose to deploy your own smart contract or use the OpenSea contract. If you want to create a drop from your collection, you’ll need to deploy your own contract.

4. On the Details tab, enter your collection’s namedescription, and set an OpenSea URL. These details can always be edited later.

5. Enter your collection’s category and tag information. In addition to categories, you can choose up to 5 descriptive tags to help collectors learn more about your collection.

6. On the Graphics tab, upload a Logo imageFeatured image, and a Banner image.

7. On the Links tab, you can add social media connections and links related to your project.

8. Click Create.

Congratulations – you created a collection! Now you can begin adding items. From your collection page, click the three-dot menu and select Add item to begin.

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